Wednesday, August 25, 2010

{Expat life} I think I'm turning Vietnamese, I really think so!

Crazy D2 traffic

Not something I should admit publicly, but the longer I spend in Vietnam the more I unconciously disregard the basic social pleasantries required to function in western society.

For example, in Australia if I accidentally bumped into someone on the street I would immediately turn and apologise. Here, I have slowly adjusted to the fact that knocking over a stranger isn't considered rude - it's merely a bi-product of the frenetic south-east asian culture.

At times, someone trying to bust their way into the elevator before I have exited causes me a moment of outrage, but (unfortunately) I have started to accept this as normal behaviour.

Not, mind you, that I go as far as pushing my way ahead of others - I still wait my turn and hold open doors for people coming after me - but the fact that I'm not afforded the same courtesy doesn't bug me as much as it did 18 months ago.

In expat circles we refer to this as becoming "Vietnamised" - an often slow realisation that our way is not always going to be the dominant behaviour and an eventual adjustment that comes with living in this society after a period of time.

The fact that we've slowly become Vietnamised recently hit home as Team Somerville has entered discussions about buying a "family" motorbike. Yes, that's right, not a family vehicle - a bike! Very Vietnamese!

Rewind only 6 months ago and I would have given anyone who would listen a stern lecture about the dangers of riding around on a motorbike with toddlers.

Now we're in the thick of an expat community where many foreigners consider it normal to transport the kids on a bike (with safety helmets of course) my recent frustration with the traffic in D2 is causing a rethink on my previously staunch beliefs!

Watch this space as Team Somerville grapples with this surprising reality and searches for a new ride!


  1. I can now be very rude when returning to Aus and have to catch myself eg not giving way in the supermarket !!

  2. It becomes habit doesn't it?! We're heading back to Brisbane for a week in October so I'll have to remember to mind my manners!
